“Working Together, Winning Together” Celebration1

Knowledge Center


Oct, 17-18, in Huaian, CCGrass celebrates its grand opening of Industry Park. CCGrass names the celebration “Working Together & Winning Together” to honor the support from clients and the accomplishments we have achieved together along the way.

The celebration starts with a well-arranged factory tour, during which more than 400 clients, both domestic and abroad, visited the CCGrass Industrial Park. Accompanied by interpreters, they have a thorough look of manufacturing process while walking through the viewing aisle. The factory tour gives a new and impressive image of CCGrass to clients, especially to those who have worked with us for many years, as one of our clients says,” this is really impressive. The new factory is so big and modern and I think it’s a great, great improvement for CCGrass.” Some clients also give high compliments to our experience zone where all the applications of artificial grass are beautifully displayed, “I like the experience zone very much. It’s incredible and I think it’s a very good way to show products.”

After the factory tour, on Oct 17th afternoon, an industry forum was held under the organization of CCGrass. In the forum, insightful speakers from FIFA present a forward-thinking picture of artificial grass’s tomorrow and the challenges needs to be tackled. The forum by far is the most high-end seminar solely focused on artificial grass industry ever held in China.

On Oct18th night, the whole celebration reaches its climax when an outdoor barbecue party is on. Various wonderful shows, tasteful foods and the opportunity to chat with friends, make the night an unforgettable experience to everyone. The music and dance keeps going until the middle of the night.

For CCGrass, running the largest artificial grass factory in the world and becoming FIFA Preferred Producer are just the beginning of its journey to become the leader of the industry. As President Wang says at the forum, “we have achieved a lot more than we had expected, but we are not satisfied with staying where we are and a lot still remains to be done. I have confidence that with the support from our clients, business partners, CCGrass will achieve more.” We believe, under President Wang’s leadership and with continuous improvement in product quality and service, CCGrass will reach its goal sooner than we expected.
